Friday, August 26, 2016

CCGS Exchange 2016 - Aubrey Greene

       I visited Christ Church Grammar School in Perth, Australia. The school is all boys with a Christian foundation, and it teaches young boys to grow into good men. Being very similar to MBA, I felt right at home. Academic studies included: Applications Math, Politics and Law, Philosophy, Modern History, and Literature. The politics class found US politics to be more interesting than their own countries elections. Many debates and discussion about Trump and Hillary took place. In Literature, we ironically read the most American book possible, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Modern History was studying the transition from WWI to WWII. Philosophy discussed the controversial topics of morality and humans' innate nature. Other activities at school included rugby, helping at an elderly home, and woodworking.

       Spending time outside of the classroom was just as exciting. I did many activities which included: Australian Football League game, Rottnest Island, Petting zoo, sight seeing, surfing, and meeting new friends in the city. The Australian Football League (AFL) is a mix of soccer and rugby and is played on an oval shaped field. I visited Rottnest Island For a weekend using a ferry. The island is home to a unique endangered species called quokkas. They are harmless and crowd the entire island. While at the island I caught an octopus, watched a pelican eat a fish, and rode bicycles around the shore. The petting zoo was the most interesting sight to see. Tamed deer lay in the dirt and wait for people to pet them while kangaroos and wallabies sit right next to them. Ponies roam the grounds next to obnoxious geese and pelicans. Never before have I been a foot away from an ostrich with only a fence in between us.


       The experience was life-changing as I made new life long friends and family. Both the Edwards and Konarik families made me feel right at home, and I could not have had a more welcoming family. The families allowed for me to visit the sites of Perth and see the best that Australia has to offer. By the end of my trip I almost felt as if I was part of each family. I hope to visit the families again in the future. I hope to see my hosts, Adam and Nic, visit MBA for exchange in the fall of 2016. The trip made me realize how similar people are on the other side of the world, and now I have three sets of parents as well as three families.

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