Monday, September 18, 2017

Raffles Institution Exchange 2017

This past summer, we went to Raffles Institution in Singapore. Raffles Institute is a prestigious school and is known worldwide for its academic rigour. We went to class everyday and experienced first hand the level of education provided there. They had a tutorial and lecture style teaching base which incorporates classes that are similar to MBA and also classes that are more university like.  The classes included economics, math, and english lectures which provided a contrasting outlook to each subject compared to MBA’s classes. We were also asked to speak on race relations and the current political climate in the United States. Speaking with students and teachers throughout the school provided new opinions and values from not only Singapore, but also around the world. Outside of the class, we explored the modern city and visited temples, beaches, and of course, Universal Studios.

Sentosa is an island in Singapore that offers a warm beach, Universal Studios, and a water park. We also went to Marina Bay which is the center of finance and tourism. The buildings are incredibly modern and offer an amazing skyline view. We stayed in the dorms that were on Campus and it was cool to see how the students living in the dorms went about everyday life. Raffles Institute has a house system like Harry Potter. We were in the Hullett House and stayed there for the duration of our trip.

We met some great people there and made some great friendships. Even though our stay only lasted two weeks, by the end of it, we felt like we had been emerged completely in their culture. The trip was both exciting and enlightening, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity thanks to the warner family MBA and the Raffles school for an incredible trip.


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